Google Chrome doesn't rely on the user for updates, it just updates itself.

It relies on Google's servers to achieve this.

When I launched ChromeSetup.exe file, I got below error messages:Įgads! Download Failed.

I could download ChromeSetup.exe Installer from Google’s website but then further downloads of the files via the Internet were blocked. Organization Firewall does not allow downloading of Google Chrome files via Internet.No internet connection will be required to complete the installation of google chrome. No internet connectivity / Working offline – In that case download the standalone or offline installer from a machine which is connected to internet and copy it on the machine where it needs to be installed.You may require offline or standalone Google Chrome Installer in below cases: It could be Windows 10, Windows 11 or any Windows Server operating system. There could be number of scenario’s, In any case, you can download Google chrome Offline Installer and use it to Install Google Chrome on the PC. But what if you are not connected to internet? and you are working offline or there are issues with your internet connection blocking the download of files from internet while other browsing activity is just fine. This requires an internet connection so that the download of all the files can be successful. When you start the ChromeSetup.exe by double-clicking on the file, It then downloads all software files from Google which are required to complete the installation. When you try to download and Install Google Chrome using their website, the download chrome button will download a small ChromeSetup.exe file between 1-2 MB in size.